In the truest sense of what this nation has always exemplified, the American Concord Society is comprised of individuals gathering in their local communities to discuss ideas and promote positive, practical changes in their corner of the world. Set within a unified national framework, each local chapter is connected to one another for further education and support.
The American Concord Society promotes involvement, productivity, and continued outreach across the country. Through word of mouth, publications, and an open communication network we share ideas to accomplish our goals. We each have much to learn from one another, and we all need each other now more than we have in living memory. This organization is therefore committed to enhance the citizenry, one community at a time, for a better nation.
Our Goals
Define and promote good citizens by focusing on civic virtues.
Your community is dependent on you acting as a good citizen. By learning and practicing civic virtues, you will have the mindset needed to enhance your community. A virtuous citizen succeeds as a community member by finding and focusing on common goals, attributes, and opportunities.
Network with each other in establishing a coalition of communities across the country.
Your community is part of a bigger picture. The ACS links local chapters across the country sharing ideas and providing support and motivation.
Support members in times of need.
You need not be an island unto yourself. This organization is committed to helping each other. Whether an individual, a family, or a local business this organization seeks to unify and provide for those in need.
Educate members in practical skills, liberal arts, and promote intellectual curiosity.
Through workshops, seminars, community programs, and member-led training, you will be exposed to a variety of new skills aimed at becoming more self-sufficient and confident to aid yourself, your family, and your community.
“Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.”
Head over to the Recruitment page and take the pledge! It is entirely free, and signals your support for the values of Concord.
We are in the process of restructuring the Concord Beacon, which will be returning soon. Our newsletter is produced by volunteer members. If you would like to contribute to the Beacon in the future, contact us today.
Our membership is growing. If you are feeling the need for betterment in your life and in your community, contact us today to learn more about joining our coalition of communities.